Seated in heavenly places, The King has bestowed and placed a crown on the heads of the Sons of God who have fully taken their place.
Unfortunately, the world did not recognize HIM and so it has yet to recognize YOU until now.
You have boldly and confidently taken up your crown and operated as a Godly man in your marriage, your family, at your job, with your health, and in your finances.
The King has given me a vision to create a space where you can be edified and amplified.
Your role in the kingdom is VITAL to the rest of the body of Christ. You wear your crown and you wear it well because you have depended on the ONE who reigns overall.
This is the table that has been specifically curated for you to rest.
Now, take your seat amongst other SONS and prepare to be served, poured into, and honored because YOU decided, YOU committed, and YOU are a royal priesthood.
Welcome to The Roundtable!